CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns

If one of your teeth is damaged, one of our dentists may recommend a dental crown to fit over your tooth.

A crown fits nicely over your affected tooth to improve its appearance by hiding discolouration or a misshaped tooth.

Crowns are a way of protecting a broken, worn-down, or damaged tooth, or preserving the natural tooth to avoid an extraction. A crown will improve the structural integrity of your tooth and holds it together, preventing further damage.

CEREC crowns involve the use of modern technology such as 3D software to manufacture your dental crown on the same day. It suits patients making the trip to Port Lincoln from other parts of the Eyre Peninsula such as Tumby Bay and Elliston. Patients will be able to have their treatment completed over two visits within the same day.

Book an appointment with us, today.


  • A dental crown or cap is a permanent covering that fits over your original tooth. It can ‘save’ the tooth from being removed, prevent further damage and offer stability and functionality (like chewing/eating). Crowns are often used in cosmetic dentistry to cover imperfections and restore the appearance of your natural teeth.

  • CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) 'Same Day' Crowns are highly precise, minimally invasive and can be completed in the same day if needed (as opposed to weeks with a traditional dental crown). Your custom ceramic crown is made on-site at Curran Dental.