Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are an extra set of molars that only starts to grow in the late teens to early twenties. Wisdom teeth have become largely redundant and often end up causing inconveniences for patients. They can cause pain, crowding, damage to other teeth, and increase the likelihood of infection, as plaque can easily accumulate around a partially erupted wisdom tooth (where brushing is difficult).


Common symptoms of your wisdom teeth coming in may include bad breath, tender or swollen gums and jaw pain, however, many patients may not have any early symptoms. Impacted wisdom teeth can grow at the wrong angle pushing the rest of our teeth inward. This can be extremely painful and can cause chronic discomfort that prevents you from functioning at full capacity in your day-to-day life.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal is a common and safe preventative procedure that is an effective way to prevent your symptoms from coming back.

If you are in any doubt, don't hesitate to book an appointment where one of our dentists can examine your mouth and wisdom teeth during a routine check up & clean. During your visit your dentist will take x-rays of your wisdom teeth / jaw to determine if removal is necessary.

Book an appointment with us, today.


  • Yes, you're never too old to have wisdom teeth removed, however, they should only removed if they're causing problems (eg crowding, infection, decay, swelling, damage to other teeth) or are likely to in the future.