Your first visit to Curran Dental in Port Lincoln

38 Edinburgh Street , Port Lincoln, SA 5606


Sit back and relax

Welcome to Curran Dental, where your oral health is our priority. If you're a first-time visitor, we understand that the dental clinic can sometimes be intimidating. This guide is designed to provide you with a clear overview of what to expect during your initial visit to Curran Dental in Port Lincoln.

What should I bring?

• Reading glasses if you wear them

• Please ensure you are aware of your medical history and have a list of any medications you are taking.

• Your health fund card if you are covered by Private health insurance

• Your Veterans Affairs card if applicable.

• Your childs medicare card if they are participating in the Child Dental Benefit scheme.


Warm Welcome

As you step into Curran Dental, you'll be greeted by our friendly and professional staff. We aim to create a welcoming environment to ensure you feel at ease from the moment you arrive.


Dental Examination

Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health. This includes an inspection of your oral condition, detecting if any tooth decay or gum disease is present. A complete charting of your existing conditions. This is a record of all your teeth, noting the current condition of each individual tooth, any teeth you might be missing, and any additional teeth you might have. An orthodontic analysis of your bite, to determine if any damage is being caused to your teeth, gums or jaw by misaligned teeth. An oral cancer screening of the cheeks, lips, tongue, throat and palate. An assessment of the health of your jaw joint and its mobility. Examination of the lymph nodes in the head and neck for any abnormalities. If indicated we will take dental x-rays, to check inbetween the teeth for any cavities, check for bone loss caused by gum disease and also screen for infections or tumours.

Discussion of Concerns and Goals

Your dentist will review any relevant findings of the examination with you and explain these in details. If any further treatment is required, all treatment options wiil be discussed so you can make an informed decision. Your dentist will also address any concersn or questions you may have. You will be provided with a personalised, written treatment plan that takes into consideration your needs and avalibity to attend treatment. We are aware many of our patients travel significant distances to see us and we aim to minimise the number of visits.

Depending on the complexity of your needs, we may invite you to attend a follow-up consultation with your dentist at a later date. This consultation is at no extra charge and is designed to allow you to ask any questions you have in a relaxed environment, to ensure you completely understand your treatment options.

If you have any anxiety about undergoing the dental treatment we can discuss a range of options available to you in order to reduce your anxiety. These may include relaxation techniques, nitrous oxide (happy gas), tablets or IV sedation (sleep dentistry).

Payment Options

Payment options exist including Afterpay for smaller treatments, and Humm payment plans for more complex treatment plans. We can also discuss early access of Super for essential dental treatment.


  • Generally a clean is not performed at this visit and additional time will be made with one of our oral health therapist if it is required. If you would like a clean on the same day as your examination please raise this with our receptionist when making your booking.